Academic Competitions Archive

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лого 2 бгКонкурс за попълване състава на екипа за изпълнение на проект № BG05M2OP001-1.001-0001 „Изграждане и развитие на Център за върхови постижения „Наследство БГ“, финансиран от ОП НОИР 2014-2020 г., съфинансирана от Европейския фонд за регионално развитие

Срок за подаване на документите: от 10.02.2021 г. до 15.02.2021 г.

Обява за попълване състава на екипа за изпълнение на проект № BG05M2OP001-1.001-0001 „Изграждане и развитие на Център за върхови постижения „Наследство БГ“, Дейност Б – „Непознатите Балкани‘‘

Проект № BG05M2OP001-1.001-0001 “Изграждане и развитие на Център за върхови постижения „Наследство БГ“, финансиран от Оперативна програма „Наука и образование за интелигентен растеж 2014-2020 г.“ (ОП НОИР), съфинансирана от Европейския фонд за регионално развитие, набира  изследователи – R2 (с научна степен), които да изпълняват описаните функции и задължения в екипа за изпълнение на проекта: 

Academic competition for Associated Professor in the field of higher education 2. Humanities, professional field 2.2. History and Archaeology for Department Medieval Balkans, for which only one candidate applied - Assist. Prof. Vladislav Ivanov Ivanov, PhD.
The academic competition was promulgated in the State Gazette No. 55/ 19.06.2020.

Review by Prof. Alexandar Nikolov, PhD

Review by Prof. Krassimira Gagova, Dr. habil.

Opinion by Prof. Liliana Simeonova, Dr. habil.

Opinion by Prof. Ivelin Ivanov, PhD

Opinion by Assoc. Prof. Zlatomira Gerdzhikova, PhD

Opinion by Assoc. Prof. Snezhanka Rakova-Marinkyova, PhD

Opinion by Assoc. Prof. Nadezhda Hristova, PhD

Summaries of candidate's publications:

Academic competition for Associated Professor position in the field of higher education 3. Social, economic and legal sciences, professional field 3.1. Sociology, Anthropology and Culture Studies for Department Cultural History of the Balkan Nations, promulgated in the State Gazette No. 55/ 19.06.2020.

Candidates admitted to the competition: Goran Tasev Blagoev, Iveta Kirilova Rasheva, Julia Ivanova Zlatkova.

Decision of the Scientific Jury on the occasion of a signal for plagiarism

Review by Prof. Nikolay Aretov, Dr. habil.

Review by Prof. Orlin Sabev, Dr. habil.

Objection by Goran Blagoev, PhD

Opinion by Prof. Dr. Roumiana Il. Preshlenova

Opinion by Prof. Dr. Lora Taseva

Opinion by Prof. Dr. Krassimira Daskalova

Opinion of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mira Markova

Opinion by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Anastasova

Summary of publications of Goran Blagoev

Summary of publications of Iveta Rasheva

Summary of publications of Julia Zlatkova



The Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology "Prof. Alexander Fool" (BAS) announces an academic competition for full-time PhD students for the academic 2020-2021 in the following professional fields and scientific specialties:

2.2. History and Archaeology
Ancient History - 1 (one) place, full-time PhD student
Medieval History - 1 (one) place, full-time PhD student
Early Modern and Modern History - 1 (one) place, full-time PhD student
Documentation, Archivistics, Paleography (including Historiography and Scientific Sources) - 1 (one) place, full-time PhD student

3.1. Sociology, Anthropology and Cultural Sciences
Cultural Theory and History - 1 (one) place, full-time PhD student

From 14.08.2020 to 14.10.2020 the candidates shall submit the documents required at the IBSCT-BAS: Sofia, Moskovska Street No. 45.

For more information: IBSCT-BAS, Moskovska Street No. 45, phone number: 02/ 980 62 97, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or BAS-Administration, 15th November Street No. 1, office 310, phone number: 02/ 979 52 60.

Full text of the announcement and application documents required
Application form to the Director of the IBSCT-BAS for participation in the academic competition

The Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology "Prof. Alexander Fol" at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences announces academic competitions for the following positions:

  • Assistant Professor in the field of higher education 2. Humanities, professional field 2.2. History and Archaeology, for Department "The Balkans in the 15th through the 19th Century" - one place;
  • Associated Professors in the field of higher education 2. Humanities, professional field 2.2. History and Archaeology, for Department "Medieval Balkans" - one place; in the field of higher education 3. Social, economic and legal sciences, professional field 3.1. Sociology, Anthropology and Culture Studies, for Department "Cultural History of the Balkan Nations" - one place.

Application deadline for all academic competitions: 2 months from the promulgation in the State Gazette. Documents shall be submitted to the IBSCT, City of Sofia, Moskovska Street No. 45, phone number: 02/ 980 62 97; 0886568862.

The announcement is promulgated in the State Gazette No. 55/ 19.06.2020.

Application form to the Director of the IBSCT-BAS for participation in the academic competition for Assistant Professor

Application form to the Director of the IBSCT-BAS for participation in the academic competition for Associated Professor


The Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology "Prof. Alexander Fool" (BAS) announces an additional academic competition for full-time PhD students for the academic 2019-2020 in the following professional fields and scientific specialties:

2.1. Philology
Philology (Balkan literatures and cultures) - 1 (one) place, full-time PhD student

2.2. History and Archaeology
Documentation, Archivistics, Paleography (including Historiography and Scientific Sources) - 1 (one) place, full-time PhD student
Early Modern and Modern History - 3 (three) places, full-time PhD students
Medieval History -1 (one) place, full-time PhD student

From 11.03.2020 to 19.05.2020 (inclusive) the candidates shall submit the documents required at the IBSCT-BAS: Sofia, Moskovska Street No. 45.

For more information: IBSCT-BAS, Moskovska Street No. 45, phone number: 02/ 980 62 97, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or BAS-Administration, 15th November Street No. 1, office 310, phone number: 02/ 979 52 60.

Full text of the announcement and application documents required
Application form to the Director of the IBSCT-BAS for participation in the academic competition

The Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology "Prof. Alexander Fol" at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences announces an academic competition for Assistant Professor position - two places: in professional field 2.2. History and Archaeology, scientific speciality "Ancient History and Thracology" - one place; in professional field 3.1. Sociology, Anthropology and Culture Studies, scientific speciality "Cultural Theory and History" - one place, for the Centre of Thracology. Application deadline: 2 months from the promulgation in the State Gazette. Documents shall be submitted to the IBSCT, City of Sofia, Moskovska Street No. 45, phone number: 02 980 62 97; 0886568862.

The announcement is promulgated in the State Gazette No. 15/ 21.02.2020

Application form to the Director of the IBSCT-BAS for participation in the academic competition

In connection with the implementation of the second year of the National Program 'Young Scientists and Postdoctoral candidates', funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, IBSCT-BAS announces a competition for new candidates in the area of social sciences and humanities (SOC).

Required application documents:

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