Staff Directory

asAdriana Atanasova Sarbova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Architecture, Assistant Professor, Architect

Areas of academic interest:
Thracian cult architecture; contemporary sacral architecture

images/IMG_AMilanova.jpgAlexandra Dimitrova Milanova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor
Scientific Coordinator of the Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology

Areas of academic interest:
Modern and Contemporary History of the Balkans, International Relations in the 19th-20th centuries, Cultural Diplomacy, Urban Culture and Cultural Heritage.

A KostovАлександър Григоров Костов

Научна степен и заемана длъжност:
Член-кореспондент на Българската академия на науките, доктор на историческите науки, професор

Научни интереси:

Aneta Mihaylova pictureAneta Vasileva Mihaylova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Contemporary history of the Balkans, Romania after WWII, elites, cultural policies, collective memory, national identity

snimka za sajtaAntoaneta Borislavova Balcheva

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Cultural history, identities, traditions and modernization in Southeast Europe, elites, imagology, culture of travel in the European Southeast, Bulgarian-Croatian cultural interactions, literary influences between Bulgarians and Italians in the 20th c.

Biser Todorov Banchev

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, historian

Areas of academic interest:

Valeria Fol 01 10 2019Valeria Nikolova Fol

Scientific degree and current position:
Dr. habil., Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Ancient history, culture and religion of the European Southeast (Greece and Thrace) and the Mediterranean, Thracology, continuity between Antiquity and the subsequent historical eras in the European Southeast.

 IPG0034Vasil Nikolov Karadzhov

Scientific degree and current position:

Areas of academic interest:
Cultural heritage, cultural tourism, cultural policies, urban anthropology, visual anthropology, narratology, everyday life

Vessela2Vessela Konstantinova Atanassova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:
History and culture of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Egyptian art and architecture, History and culture of Ancient Thrace, Egyptian cults in Thrace, Thracian onomastics in Egypt

Vladislav Ivanov Ivanov

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:

Georgi DimovGeorgi Nikolov Dimov

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Medieval Balkan History; History of Byzantium and the Mediterranean; medieval numismatics and sigilography; material culture and art in the Middle Ages; economic and social history of the Middle Ages: cities, infrastructure, long-distance trade and communications in the so-called Great Mediterranean.

GerganaDonchevaGergana Georgieva Doncheva

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Cinema in the Balkans, Balkan cultures (with emphasis on Greek, Yugoslavian and post-Yugoslavian cultural space), migration processes and globalization.

Dimitar Georgiev Dobrev

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Contemporary history of the Balkans

Dobriela Todorova Kotova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Antiquity - Ancient History and Thracology, social history, gender studies, culture and religion, classical languages and literature

DParushevaDobrinka Dragieva Parusheva

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Modern and contemporary history of the Balkans (city and everyday life in the Balkans; political models; political elites); theory and history of culture (culture and caricature; cultural heritage and identity; visual culture).

Evlogi Genov Stanchev

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:

EkaterinaDikovaEkaterina Pantcheva Dikova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Medieval translations from Greek into South Slavonic environment, rhythm, rhetoric, diachronic linguistics, etymology.

elmiraElmira Mladenova Vassileva

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Catholic and Protestant propaganda in Southeastern Europe during the Ottoman period.

Zorka Petrova Parvanova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:

Ivaylo Chavdarov Nachev

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:

Ivo Simeonov Topalilov

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:

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