Academic Competitions Archive

On 9 April, 2019 (Tuesday) at 11h00 in the conference hall of the Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology "Prof. Alexander Fol" (IBCT) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, located in the city of Sofia, Moskovska Street No. 45, there will be public PhD thesis defense of Boryana Markova for acquiring the scientific and educational degree "Doctor" in professional field 2.2. History and Archaeology, Doctoral Programme Ancient History and Thracology. The topic of the dissertation is "The Bessie tribe in the Roman Empire". All scientific reviews and opinions of the members of scientific jury, as well as the autoreferate of the PhD student are available on the IBCT website. Hardcopy of the dissertation is disposable at the IBCT office.

Review of Prof. Liliana Simeonova, Dr. habil.

Review of Prof. Ivan Todorov, PhD

Opinion of Prof. Vanya Lozanova-Stancheva, D.A.

Opinion of Assoc. Prof. Georgi Mitrev, PhD

Opinion of Assoc. Prof. Ivo Topalilov, PhD


Documents related to the academic competition for Associate Professor position in professional field 3.1. Sociology, Anthropology and Cultural Sciences, scientific specialty Cultural Theory and History for which only one candidate applied - Margarita Serafimova, Dr. Sc. in Cultural Theory and History.

Summary of works

On May 8, 2018 (Tuesday) at 11h00 in the conference hall of the Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology "Prof. Alexander Fol" (IBCT) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, located in the city of Sofia, Moskovska Street No. 45, there will be public PhD thesis defense of Goar Hnkanosyan for acquiring the scientific and educational degree "Doctor" in professional field 2.2. History and Archaeology, Doctoral Programme Early Modern and Modern History. The topic of the dissertation is "Armenian cultural outbreaks in Bulgaria (1878-1944)". All scientific reviews and opinions od the members of scientific jury, as well as the autoreferate of the PhD student are available on the IBCT website. Hardcopy of the dissertation is disposable at the IBCT office.

Documents related to public PhD thesis defense of the PhD student Goar Hnkanosyan, PhD student in Section Cultural History of the Balkan Nations at the IBCT - BAS for acquiring the scientific and educational degree "Doctor" in professional fiels 2.2. History and Archaeology, Doctoral Programme Early Modern and Modern History. The topic of the dissertation is "Armenian cultural outbreaks in Bulgaria (1878-1944)".

Review of Prof. Todor Mishev, PhD

Review of Assoc. Prof. Agop Garabedyan, PhD

Opinion of Prof. Orlin Sabev, Dr. habil.

Opinion of Prof. Georgeta Nazarska, PhD

Opinion of Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Bibina, PhD


The Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology "Prof. Alexander Fol" (IBCT) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) - Sofia announces an academic competition for Associate Professor position in professional field 3.1. Sociology, Anthropology and Cultural Sciences, scientific specialty Cultural Theory and History - one place. Application deadline: 2 months from the promulgation in the State Gazette.

Documents shall be submitted to the IBCT, City of Sofia, Moskovska Street No. 45, phone number: 02 980 62 97.

State Gazette No. 25/ 20.03.2018, Unofficial Section/ STATE INSTITUTIONS, ESTABLISHMENTS AND MUNICIPALITIES, p. 87

The Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology "Prof. Alexander Fol" (IBCT) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) - Sofia announces an academic competition for Assistant Professor position in professional field 2.2. History and Archaeology, scientific specialty Old History and Thracology for the needs of the Centre of Thracology "Prof. Alexander Fol"- one place. Application deadline: 2 months from the promulgation in the State Gazette.

Documents shall be submitted to the IBCT, City of Sofia, Moskovska Street No. 45, phone number: 02 980 62 97.

State Gazette No. 1/ 27.02.2018, p. 79

Academic competition for Professor position in professional field 2.2. History and Archaeology, scientific specialty Documentation, Archivistics, Paleography, including Historiography and scientific sources for the needs of Section "Cultural History of the Balkan Nations" for which only one candidate applied - Assoc. Prof. Orlin Sabev, Dr. habil.

Review of Prof. Roumiana Radkova, Dr. habil, corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Review of Prof. Krasimira Mutafova, PhD

Review of Prod. Krasimira Daskalova, PhD

Opinion of Prof. Vera Boneva, Dr. habil.

Opinion of Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Bibina, PhD

Opinion of Assoc. Prof. Maria Kalitzin, PhD

Opinion of Assoc. Prof. Snezhana Dimitrova, PhD

Reference to the contributions of the scientific works and citations

Documents related to the academic competition for Associate Professor position in professional field 2.1.Philology, scientific specialty Balkan Literature and Culture for the needs of Section Cultural History of the Balkan Nations for which only one candidate applied - Assist. Prof. Lyudmila Mindova, PhD.

Review of Prof. Valeri Stefanov, PhD

Review of Assoc. Prof. Ina Hristova, PhD

Opinion of Prof. Roumiana Stancheva, PhD

Opinion of Prof. Svetlozar Igov, PhD

Opinion of Prof. Margreta Grigorova. PhD

Opinion of Assoc. Prof. Antoaneta Balcheva, PhD

Opinion of Assoc. Prof. Ani Burova, PhD

Reference on contributions and abstracts of publications of Assist. Prof. Lyudmila Mindova, PhD


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